Will Your Child Get Into Harvard?

Your children are your most precious asset. How will you show you care?

Let's face it, getting your kid into a good school is really hard. How will your child stand out?

Playing the oboe won't cut it anymore -- everyone's onto that trick. But what if we told you that deep learning could change your child's life for the better? These days, it's all about STEM and all about AI. The best way for your child to stand out is by being a deep learning change-maker, influencer, and thought-leader.

The Deep Learning Solution

Deep learning revolutionized computers. It's now about to revolutionize the classroom.

Deep learning has had a profound impact on society. Nowadays, everything is deep learning -- finance, HR, weather prediction, math, and healthcare -- and more sectors are ready for disruption. If you're not up to speed with the deep learning revolution, you'll be left behind whether you're in the c-suite or a copywriter.

We've developed a new revolutionary deep-learning program aimed at your kindergartner called Keras4Kindergartners. With just 4 hours a week, we can teach your child the essentials to prepare them to apply deep learning to all kinds of jobs. Our visionary program facilitiates your child's rise to deep learning rockstar status and will equip them to succeed in any field they choose. If you love your child, don't send them to elementary school without backpropagation in their backpack.


We have packages for everybody

It's generally considered good practice to be comfortable with 2-3 different frameworks. We teach them all at our convenient Palo Alto location! Typically we have 10 slots per session and each session runs for 12 weeks. Weekend sessions come with a complimentary pH neutral lunch.

We are still ramping up. Our roadmap includes Caffe, Caffe 2, Darknet, Matconvnet and Tensorflow to be released in Q3 2018

Mon. & Wed. 4PM-6PM
Learn Keras in just two afternoons a week!

Mommy and Me MXNet
Sat. 10AM-2:30PM
Learn about MXNet together with your tot!

Papa and Me PyTorch
Sun. 10AM-2:30PM
Spend Sunday together learning about PyTorch!

Price upon request.

Spread the word! Put up this poster up at your local raw water shop.

About Us

We're a dedicated team with decades of combined machine learning and computer vision experience. Our CEO and CTO both attended the same top-tier robotics PhD program. Recognizing each other as thought-leaders and future influencers, we launched a series of ventures together. Our unprecedented synergy let us ideate one of the most famous deep learning frameworks, Excelnet, the leading spread-sheet-based deep learning technology. We got tired of selfishly publishing papers and chasing our h-indexes. So we decided to use our decades of experience to help children unlock their full potential.